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Can Podcast Show Notes Improve Your SEO?

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Are you a podcaster? Want an easy way to improve your SEO without creating new content for your website? Are you using the power of your podcast to do that?

If you are a podcaster, you are probably looking for ways to expand your reach beyond just who is listening to you. The best way to capture SEO for your website is to use your podcast content in a blog post! It’s content GOLD for SEO! In a day where so much content is written by AI, you can use your natural “voice” to draw your target audience to your products and services. So what are podcast show notes? Show notes are either summaries and/or transcripts of your podcast episodes that you can post to your website’s blog. 

The Problem

Because podcasting is mostly an audial experience, many podcasters struggle to attract a new audience due to limited visibility on search engines. This is where SEO and your website come into play. Also, reaching demographics of people who do not have access to hearing your message can be limited by only having your content through audio.  For example, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing population may want/need your important topics but don’t have a way to access them without your written communication.

The Solution

Creating SEO-optimized blog posts for your episodes is one of the most powerful strategies for attracting new listeners and boosting your podcast’s visibility. Publishing show notes on your website will make your podcast accessible to audiences that want or need your information in a different format. Search engines will pick up your content and help you get found online. Remember formatting these show notes is key to keeping Google happy.

Often listeners will go online to find information about products or services that you mentioned in your podcast episode. Why not drive them to your website instead of the Wild West of a Google search?

Jenny Laine Designs } Podcast Blog post - image of computer screen on the left side of image with a microphone and stand with headphones hanging on the stand.

Benefits of Turning Your Show Notes into Blog Posts

Enhanced SEO: Blog posts are easily tailored to meet Google’s optimization criteria, leading to higher search engine rankings for your show notes.

Expanded Reach: Blog posts attract a broader audience through search engines, reaching listeners who might not actively seek out podcasts.

Evergreen Content: Blog posts continue to generate traffic over time, unlike fleeting paid ads or social media posts.

Multiple Blog Posts from One Episode: If your podcast episode covers a variety of topics, you can create multiple blog posts from it, expanding your reach across multiple search terms.

Step-by-Step Guide: Transforming Your Podcast Episode into a Blog Post

Transcribe the Podcast Audio: Convert the podcast audio into text using a transcription service.

Identify Speakers (If Needed): For interview-style podcasts, identify each speaker by name to enhance readability and allow for targeted keyword placement.

Segment Content into Blocks and Add Headers: Structure the content into smaller subtopics with clear headers to guide the reader and improve SEO.

Include an Introduction and Call to Action: Start with a brief introduction and end with a clear call to action, including links to the podcast episode on various platforms.

Add in Episode Artwork: Adding your podcast artwork is a great way to stay cohesive between your podcast and your website.

Embed the Podcast Episode: Embed the podcast episode within the blog post to enhance SEO and provide readers with a seamless way to enjoy the podcast.

Guest Bios: Includes an introduction of your podcast guest. You can include links to their website, social media, and any freebies they mention in the show.

Affiliate Links: Any affiliates mentioned in the podcast can be listed and linked to in your podcast notes.

Podcast Show Notes Blog Posts Template: 

To Bring This Show to a Close

Turning your podcast episodes into SEO-optimized blog posts can open up a fantastic way to attract new listeners, boost your podcast’s visibility, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche. By embracing the power of SEO you just might watch your podcast gain exposure in ways you never expected. Why not use your podcast content to your advantage?

While creating blog posts for your podcast is a no-brainer for your website’s SEO, I know there isn’t always time in the day to fit ONE MORE THING in it. Jenny Laine Designs can help! If you’d like to apply for my Podcast Show Notes to Blog Post service, use the contact form below. You’ll be taken to a form to fill out more information about your podcast episode.  (I can even turn your show notes into several blog posts!)

Sample of a YouTube book review turned into a blog post for SEO:

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