When I first met Margot, she was about to launch her new DIY Showit website – Surgeryinfo.co. She used a Showit template that she purchased and did all of the work herself. She was excited to get the website off the ground but concerned about potential areas that may not have been fully developed or properly set up. After a few conversations, I offered Margot an in-depth website audit to provide her with a road map for a successful launch.
The Website Audit Process
The audit process started with a thorough review of the front and back end of the website. I checked each page for potential issues, such as broken links, incorrect linking pages, missing elements, and any potential UI/UX issues. I also looked at basic SEO settings to ensure that all the elements of Margot’s site were set up as they should be to maximize her visibility. After the audit, I returned a 21-page PDF detailing all the areas that I knew could use some tweaking, along with a video walk-through that visually showed her how to correct the issues.
The Launch
For the final stage of getting her site ready to launch, we turned to one-on-one tech support via Google Meet, an amped-up version of my Voxer service. This allowed us to quickly tackle any issues or questions that Margot had about her website. We got to work fixing the issues that had been identified. We used her blog page as her home page to create a more compelling introduction to the site, as well as adjusted the hero photo images to better showcase the content.
The result of the audit and one-on-one session was a successful launch of Margot’s DIY website. The process was a huge success for her and she continues to utilize my services for one-on-one tech support.
A website audit before or after you hit publish is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to launch a website. Not only can it help identify potential issues, but it can also help refine and perfect the website’s content and design, while still giving you full reign over your website design. Thanks to the careful process of the audit, Margot’s website was able to launch with confidence and success.
“Working with you to audit my website was the best investment I could have made. I couldn’t be happier with the process, the insights and the results. It’s an incredible value for the dollar. The audit and reports exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds!” – Margot
Margot’s DIY Site
Check out Margot’s site – Surgery Info: Preparing for Surgery and Recovery. It’s great for preparing you or your family members for a hospital stay and recovery.
If a website audit sounds perfect for your DIY site, feel free to reach out. I offer a free lite version of my full website audit, as well as, the full website audit service that Margot took advantage of. I’d love to talk more about how I can help your business be successful. I also have an in-depth website planner available that will walk you through each step of designing your DIY website.

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